- Dec 16 Fri 2022 16:36
- Oct 22 Fri 2021 15:15
【恩典之路】感恩天主滿滿的賜福!—王秉鈞神父 Gino Picca, S.J.
- Oct 03 Sun 2021 18:00
【恩典之路】我喜歡住頤福園—汪德明神父 Jesús Sánchez Breña, S.J.
汪德明神父 Jesús Sánchez Breña, S.J.
入會75年 領受鐸品60年
1929-07-10 生於西班牙貝拉新村
Born in Aldeanueva de la Vera, Spain.
- Sep 30 Thu 2021 11:45
【恩典之路】We Lived One Hundred Steps from the Church—Jesús María Muñoz, S.J.
We Lived One Hundred Steps from the Church
Jesús María Muñoz, S.J.
I grew up in a very religious family, rosary at home every night, a family with sufficient means to go on… and nothing more. I had an aunt in the city we lived, a member of a religious congregation, whom we visited almost every Sunday (except during Advent and Lent). The sweets she gave us (to me and to the brother and sister who followed) helped a lot with the perseverance of our visits. Furthermore, we spent the summers with my uncle priest, with whom I learned to serve the Mass, Latin answers included, when I was six at most. To stay with him was a help for our economy. On the other hand, my mother helped with the house chores, cooking, mending clothes and the like since my uncle lived with his father, mother and elder aunt, and they could only provide “ordinary daily needs” (the rest waited “for summer”)
Moreover, in our city we lived one hundred steps from the Parish Church. I started my studies with some Sisters who were using the premises of the parish for some kind of school. I learned to read, to write, grammar, arithmetic, geometry, geography, history, some natural sciences and a lot of “Holy history” as we called it. The stories of the Old and New Testament were quite familiar to me (including names like Teglatfalasar III). I had a real good memory. No wonder I won the first price in the “Catechism test” of the Diocese. I was also somehow “fervent”. I liked to go to Mass with my mother in early morning (it was most painful for her to call me, she said). No wonder I never thought of any other profession but priesthood.
- Sep 30 Thu 2021 10:56
【恩典之路】信仰的陶成—教堂離家百步之遙~穆宏志神父 Jesús María Muñoz, S.J.
穆宏志神父 Jesús María Muñoz, S.J.
1943-12-26 生於西班牙卡薩斯德聖加林多
Born in Casas de San Galindo, Spain.